Pink Night at Italy in Miniature!

Italy in Miniature

At Italy's best-loved miniature theme park, the focus is all on the city of Rimini with a nice selfie spot with the miniature beach-all in pink.

To celebrate this year's claim 'Weekend Dance,' dancers, including pairs of Romagnolo folk dancers, made by the park's miniature artisans, will be seen under the Augustus Arch (also in miniature).

Pink Night signs will dot Rimini's waterfront.
Moored on the Adriatic, in front of Rimini's Pink Beach, Raul Casadei's world-famous 'Nave del sole' stands out... Italy's smallest floating balera!

The audience at the entrance will be greeted by gushing fountains... water tinged with pink!

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

Via Popilia, 239, fraz. viserba, Rimini, (RN)

­ starting from 20.00 €

0541 736736
Via Popilia, 239, fraz. Viserba, Rimini, (RN)

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